The World According To Ben Stein

J.K. Rowling, Author of Fantasy, Champion of Reality.

Episode Summary

Ben Stein and co-host Judah Friedman are joined by former Trump EPA chief of staff Mandy Gunasekara to discuss the shallow and politically motivated actions of our current president, including announcing a “Trans Visibility Day” on Easter. In case you didn’t catch the follow-up, President Biden claimed he “didn’t do that” when confronted about the action one day later. Guess the short-term memory loss is a real thing. Plus, they discussed the latest gag order against President Trump, the downfall of the judiciary, and how leftists are hell-bent on destroying all great things, including the once great republic of California. We give a shout out to RFK Jr. for having a spine and J.K. Rowling for standing strong against the crazies that need help, not a taxpayer funded pedestal. Plus, so much more.